2021 tous droits réservés - all rights reserved
General information :
Responsible for publication, directed by : Rémi Subjobert
Creation system, updating and hosting : Site W
Legal notice
Under the law of 1957-11-03 [art. 41] and the Code of Intellectual Property 1992-07-01, any total or partial reproduction of the information contained on this website - and in particular sound sequences - is strictly prohibited without written permission of Rémi Subjobert.
The logos, images, documents, and videos present on the www.blackchamberorchestra.com website are the property of their respective owners.
The www.blackchamberorchestra.com website may be unwittingly connected to other sites through hypertext links, Rémi Subjobert disclaims any responsibility for the information presented on these other sites.
The www.blackchamberorchestra.com site is governed by French law.